Group advises Urhobos to vote wisely
By Onoriode Etatsemi.
The President General of Urhobo Rebirth Congress Comrade Stephen OgheneOchuko has adviced Urhobos To vote wisely in the forth coming election.
Comrade Ogheneochuko Stephen who lamented what is happening in Urhobo land at the moment, says the Urhobos used to be one entity as they fondly called themselves Urhobo ovuavoo, but as of now the status quo ante has changed.
He added, ” just look at our schools, no Urhobo teachers Any more. It was not so from the beginning. look at our language, It is not functioning anymore. It has gone into extinction. When you greet Urhobo elderly man or woman migwo, instead of vrendo omome, they say how are you. That’s a taboo. When you come to the Urhobo progress Union.( UPU) Which is the Umbrella body of the entire Urhobos, you see factions everywhere, so for that reason, we the Urhobo Rebirth Congress are calling on all Urhobo sons and daughters to examine all the candidates in the forth coming elections irrespective of their political parties”.
” let us vote men that have Urhobo interest at heart, men that can unite the Urhobos, let us call all the candidates for questioning by scrutinizing them. Urhobo people, not all that glitters are gold. Imagine how many of them are campaigning right now without the Urhobo language in the Urhobo land. When you go to the North, to the West, even our neighbouring Ijaw Communities here, you will see them speaking their languages. what is wrong with the Urhobo people? He asked retorically
” That is why we the Urhobo Rebirth Congress are calling on each and everyone to vote wisely. Please let us forget about political party and vote for the man that have Urhobo interest at heart, who will help to unite the Urhobos to be one as our forefathers did” he suggested.